Scripted’s Stationery compiled a list of questions and answers that will assist in knowing more about Scripted Stationery. Please go through the list below and expand.

Mon – Sat 08:00hrs to 17:00hrs, Sat – 08:30 – 12:30hrs

No, we are closed on Sundays

You can email us on
Or send a whatsapp message on 0778722240

Some is locally made, SA, Japan, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany to name a few

Delivery is free for around Harare, but the order has to be above $20.00

With in 24hours of placing the order(Excluding Sundays & public holidays)

We do not ship internationally at this time.

Product has to be brought back in the same condition as it was sold and with the invoice.

Yes, we sell gift vouchers.

We have a scanning station for your convenience. Whereby the barcodes can be scanned to show the price.

For more information on corporate or bulk orders please email